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Episode 0388: Son of a Bitch

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It's been about 4 years since I've logged onto Siege, but it looks like EA has suckered me out of another $60 because as of May 2014, my account is now activated for at least 6 months. You can call this an addition to the original Misadventures if you want, but a lot of things have changed since that time. For one thing, I don't have my old PC anymore. I don't have normal F-keys on my laptop, so it's going to be harder to steal. On top of that, UO Screenshot Utility isn't recognizing my key binding on this laptop to snap my screenshots, so I'm having to reach over to my 'print screen' button instead. What this all means is that I'm going to be playing much worse, I'm going to be including fewer pictures, and this will likely only last for 6 months time (unless I decide to renew my subscription in November). Oh, and it also means you'll be hearing me ramble in these pre-episode blog entries to set the scene and make excuses for my inevitable shortcomings. Enjoy.

Hail friends,

It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. And with news of Barter Town's offical stamp of approval, it was too much for any mere mortal to stay away from for long. It's been a while since I had strapped on my thigh-high adventuring boots, but someone's gotta do it? It wasn't long before I found myself sniffing around Barter Town for any potential housing spots and just like that, presto-chango...

...and abracadabra.

Just like that, I'm the proud new owner of prime Barter Town real estate:

Now, my backpack and bank box were overflowing with items because before I went into my 4 year hibernation, I emptied the tower and stuffed these 2 containers with anything of value. Every last bit of wealth I still have to my name is found in these 2 containers and step 1 of my re-habilitation onto Siege is to set up shop and begin moving and sorting all of my belongings to see what I was working with.

I begin with one bookshelf on the left and another on the right. Useable artifacts and trinkets in one shelf and other miscellaneous valuables in the other. Invisibility jewelry in one shelf and random armor pieces in the other. Back and forth between Minoc bank and my new Retirement House I go... but what I really need are some chests. I walk the empty streets of Luna, scout some of the old shopping centers of Umbra and Zento, and even make my way to New Magincia (which is all brand new to me at this point). And there isn't a single working carpenter or fisherman to be found. A little disappointed, I make my way back home and continue looking through a few things and continue to put a few valuables in the shelf to the left and other valuables in the shelf to the--

There's only one shelf.

The other shelf is missing.

I check the securities.

Everything seems to be fine.




Oh, god damnit.

Did I just not secure the the other shelf? Did it decay on the ground while I was gone? Did that just happen?

4 long years in storage and it only takes 1 idiot (and a couple hours on the ground) to vaporize it all out of existence.

(It's going to be a long 6 months.)

(Welcome to Siege?)

Siege Perilous: 1
Chad Sexington: 0

'Til next time!

-Chad Sexington

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