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Episode 0396: The Perfect Crime (Part 2 of 3)

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Hail friends,

A prime Barter Town house plot had been transfered to me, the basic house design was complete, and all of the mass gobbling of house deco for the past few days was finally paying off. Opening day was still 5 days away, but I spot Nighstalker, a former guildmate of mine (and someone who I consider to be part of the 1st generation of THIEF members on Siege Perilous) near Brit Gate. Kattastrophe was incidentally nearby and I decide to invite them both to Barter Town and check out the scene of the latest scheme I had put into motion.

(I see if she bites.)

(She doesn't.)

Yeah? Says who?

It's your word against mine and between the two of us only my word holds any weigh--


(Why didn't someone ever tell me that taking screenshots of every waking moment was bad for business?)

(If at first you don't success, try, try again.)

(I see if she bites a second time.)

(Very funny.)

Anyway, attempting to decieve Kattastrophe (and hilariously succeeding) is neither here nor there. The guild was now 3 strong and there was much more stealing to be done. The plan was a 2 man job at minimum, but 3 was still better than 2. We make our introductions, say our farewells, and I occupy myself with a little gate jumping and a little thievery before calling it a night:

(I thank thee.)

The next few days are somewhat uneventful. I continue to beg, cheat, and steal (and buy, trade, and accept donations for) enough house decorations to monetarily blind even the most wealthiest of patrons with the deepest of pockets. And all of thise, as you might have guessed by now, is all leading to the innevitable promotion of Barter Town's brand new casino and all the unspeakable horrors that would take place inside in the coming days:

(Everything was going according to plan.)

'Til next time!

-Chad Sexington

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