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Welcome to West Luna - Chapter V

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October 27, 2006

  • I misplaced my notes at the time the chapter was originally published, so I accidentally left out two of the Books that make up the Book of Chivalry. The Book of Training, and Book of Battle.

  • Yes, I retroactively change my chapters sometimes. I've read some author's say that if they didn't have an editor insisting that they meet some kind of deadline, they could keep on revising their books forever. Well... I'm set on meeting the deadline I set for myself, but that doesn't mean I still don't read over my previous work and see something that needs to be re-written. Almost every time I've done it though, has only been to make an awkward sounding scentence become cleaner. Only in rare instances like this one would I ever adjust something to add in details or change something that has to do with the story. I can think of one or two more things that I might have to change.

  • 07-22-2009 - It's been a long time since I've written this chapter. I now revise my chapters a lot. But now I also give my chapters version numbers and document the date of the change and what was changed. This way the chapters can be improved, and people will know if anything significant has changed, and when that happened.

    I didn't start recording my revisions until after I was into Volume 2, so I'm guessing a new default starting point for all Volume 1 chapters to be at 1.50. Rewrite to version 1.70. Just minor changes. A few of them, but all pretty minor. A net change of +13 words to 1,657.

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