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Episode 0334: An Anthropology Project (Part 1 of 3)

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In 1997, on the Pacific server of UO, my character's name was Dalim. I didn't like PvP, and I was tired of mining. I saw that the profession of thief usually involved newbie throwaway characters who would loiter around the bank and try to double-steal against people for comparatively small amounts of stuff. I decided I wanted to professionalize it.

* * *

First thing I tried to do was steal house deeds as people bought them from the carpenters. This was before doing this was a thing and the capability for doing so was disabled. I would team up with a partner and we would hide in two different corners of the carpenter's house which was statistically close to where the NPCs walking pattern took him, but not in the path of where PCs would walk to approach the carpenter.

My partner and I would talk via ICQ (which was a new thing at the time) to discuss our strategy and talk about the prospects that came in. When a PC would walk by, we would snoop their backpack. There was a special feature that if you didn't move in anyway, you could still keep a watch on their backpack even though they were on the other side of the room. That way, the PC only has to walk by one of us for a second for us to know if he has bought a deed or not.

Once he's bought a deed, that's when we both strike. The closest guy goes for the steal and is immediately killed by the guards, while the second guy immediately scoops it off the dead body and drops it in the bank.

We did this twice and it was quite a rush. It was mostly a waiting game, and we would sit doing nothing for several hours. After that, I started feeling bad about it and moved onto something else.


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