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Episode 0383: Stealing without stealing

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Several days after the legendary party I finally wake up. In a bush. Right next to someones house. Head still spinning and my mouth taste like something crawled in and died, I try to get my bearings. Where the heck am I?

A sudden noise startles me and I dive behind the bushes. A door opens and someone steps out, glaring up to the sky. This is not the time to be seen, twigs in hair and beer stains on my skirt. But luck is with me. The man strolls away whistling as he go.

By now my stomach is growling at me and I could really use a bath. I wonder if there is a chance that a window could be open nearby? Maybe I can sneak in, grab a bit to eat and freshen up before heading home. Whatever direction that might be.

I wobble around the house in an embarrassing attempt to make a circle. But no windows at all. Now I know why the man seemed so taken by the sky. Probably first time he seen it in god knows how long. After making my way to the front porch I need to rest a bit. Pondering what to do next. So I sit down, resting my back against the doors.

It swings open!

I quickly spot a tub and take a swift bath. Much better!

Now for some food. Sure is a lot of chests here. Must be food in some of them, right? After a quick peek through the doors I try the lid on a few chests. All locked except two of them. No food.

I need bacon, I scream. Banging my head against one of the chests. With a crack the lid slides away...


This is no bacon! But hunger is the last thing on my mind at the moment. And with shaky hands I grab the token, carefully tucking it in to my pocket.

The sound of galloping horses! Hastily I slip out through the door. Just in time, two riders are approaching. Slipping through the shadows I make my way out of there. No sense of direction yet, just away. My stomach still feels like a bottomless pit but at least my pocket's full.


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