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The Memoirs of Ninja Bob

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>The Memoirs of Ninja Bob

>This journal is the only remaining historical record of the golden age--the first age--call it whatever you must. Where others have brushed off such tales as fairy tales and stories spoon fed by the church to keep the locals in line. To tell of tales of a perfect eden--a life after death. If this man's story is true, perhaps all the stories we've been reciting by rote have truth in them after all? I read to you these entries, unedited, unmodified, or bastardized. The last year of this man's life are displayed for all to see with brutal, uncomfortable detail. So grab a seat and make yourself comfortable. For if this man's tale is true...

...then we truely are forever damned.

  • Day 21
  • Day 22
  • Day 23
  • Day 24
  • Day 25
  • Day 26
  • Day 27
  • Day 28
  • Day 29
  • Day 30
  • Day 31
  • Day 32
  • Day 33
  • Day 34
  • Day 35
  • Day 36
  • Day 37
  • Day 38
  • Day 39
  • Day 40
  • Day 41
  • Day 42
  • Day 43
  • Day 44
  • Day 45
  • Day 46
  • Day 47
  • Day 48
  • Day 49
  • Day 50

-Chad Sexington

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