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Episode 058: Finders Keepers in the Halls of Despise.

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Hail friends,

Despise. A dungeon that I've gotten to know intimately. At first glance she comes off as a little stand off-ish and a little shy. (But get her a little drunk and she'll show you a good time!)

I come to her tonight. And tonight, the ale's on me!

Snufkin of Saints & Sinners is the first to answer my call! A little early for the ale is it not? I ask.

"WE'RE GOING STREAKING!!!!!" is her response.

Have they started without me!? (I quicken my pace.)

"EVERYONE CAN RELAX! CHAD IS HERE!" I shout out as I pop through the sparkles holding a key over my head with both arms extended and a big grin on my face.




The echoes of Despise are all that answer... This can only mean one thing... The streakers have yet to return!

I follow the confused, naked Snufkin...

...as she teleports to a quiet corner. I offer her another, but "An Lor Xen!" is all she says. (And she remains in that location, in the fetal position, laying in her own vomit for the rest of this story.)

(Don't ask. I didn't.)

They begin to trickle in slowly. Then in pairs.

Some I've seen before and some I'll never see again. From all the corners of sosaria they come to get liquored up once more.

spikedelf of GoDz & Constant Virtue of FURY share drunken stories at the alter...

Sweetcakes & A Moma's Boy also of FURY mingle and exchange awkward glances. I decide not interrupt their drunken, forbidden love. "But your my cousin!" she protests as I back away slowly.

While Kent of #B# has one too many and begins to tell me of his life problems.

I stick around. I sniff around. And so far, all going according to plan.

(So far, so good.)

I choose my footsteps carefully with one-eye on Moma's Boy's mighty hammer. And amongst the festivities Baracoon is finally summoned!

Gon Freeces enters and all hell breaks loose.

Sweetcakes comes under attack, Constant Virtue comes to her aid, but they both don't last long...

The ravaging ravagers storm the drunken fools and the prize was theirs but not for long as they're soon outnumbered by the disgustingly sober G!B members.

More WtF? members flash my view to the side, but there weren't my problem! There were other more important matters at hand!

This tug-of-war was coming to a close. I must remain focued. (In this war, no one remembers second place.)

Who would get the scrolls? Who would get the prize!? Amongst the carnage, I had to choose a victim, and Pladdy was as good as any.

I choose incorrectly.

Like conquering heroes they stand proudly, they stand confident, (and they stand carelessly).

A pair of precise steps to the left, a delicate snoop to the right, and I find what I seek.

115 Fencing, 115 Chivalry, and a mess of lesser scrolls. I choose, I target, I snatch, and no one is the wiser.

I turn the corner and sprint at full speed. Not stopping until I'm well into the dungeon of Deceit.

I thank thee for thy donation!

Glorious days these days be! With only one last surprise to greet me as I exit.

Noble warrior, today is your lucky day! Too much blood has been spilt, too many lives lost, and too much vomit has been seen. All for the prize in my hands. Much too much just to lose to you. (That and the fact that I've been taking too many murder counts as of late. ^^)

I leave you to hunt your skeletons! I bid thee good day!

'Til next time!

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