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Episode 0345: Some Old Steal Pics!

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I came across these the other day. Oh the nostalgia!

Siege Professionals!! Miss them dudes!

A few of my thieving deeds on Origin when it opened up.

And lastly.. The end results of the above pictures on BTH Forums..

I believe the 120 Eval was when I snuck onto BTH island and stole it out of their packs when they were rolling on it. I use to always hop a gate or wait for them to show up. They would roll on scrolls outside of the guildhouse thinking it was safe. I would be in wraith form, be on top of them, then begin to cast invis and while the invis was casting, I would steal the scroll and then my invis cursor would come up, so I could instantly hide and stealth off. Good times indeed. I wish I had more pictures. I should remake a thief somewhere. I had alot of good steals on Siege Perilous too when I had Kijn Darkglimmer. Guardwhacking people by forcing them to attack you, killing people with GM Mage/Eval after stealing their regs, waiting at banks for people to make sales or to bank precious items.. All good times.


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