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Episode 0098: Round Two

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After being ticked off at OSI for keeping me at a IDOC that after 3 hours didn't fall I headed to luna. At this point life or death didn't matter, nor did loot, I just needed to steal SOMETHING. My newest tamer friend Marvin provides just what i need.

Shortly after targeting my item, Marvin heads to the stables to stable his pets. He must have sensed the pissed aura coming out of nowwhere and want to make it an easy steal... Who am I to deny him?

Seeing no chase I decide to remain within luna walls, and hide. He could have at least come out like he cared...

Sad part is, I went afk to post this, and died losing the bracelet in the process. But a little later Saint Dismas stole it back, victory for the thieves!

-Black Magick

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