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Episode 0089: Petarded #002

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So I logged in one fine late evening and took a stroll over to Luna to see what kind of action was going on...

Walking sneakily up to Luna bank I stumble upon a quarrel between Speedy Claxton and a funny looking man named Toki Wartooth. Caring not about these fools unimportant argument I quickly pop Toki's pack to see what my deft fingers might steal!

Some mostly uninteresting items and a bag which I did not have time enough to open, I notice a semi interesting pair of LRC gloves. Well well, seeing as I am more or less naked I decide to try my luck. With shifty eyes on the look out for guards I reach in and take them!

Engrossed in their talking, Toki fails to notice he is being robbed right out from under his nose; I nonchalantly walk away as if no dastardly deed had been committed.

Making my way back, I am startled to see Toki attempt to molest poor Speedy right there in broad daylight, in full view of the Luna Paladins! Foolish man... the subsequent display of guard whacking was a sight to see!

Not wasting any time I quickly strip Toki's corpse of all posessions.

Jackpot! LRC armor, pots, petals, weapons, even some powerscrolls! Oh poor foolish Toki... he didnt like this one bit.

I'm not lame!! I'm Petarded!

-Peter Griffin

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