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Episode 236: One year, two months, and twelve days.
(Part 8 of 12)

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Hail friends,

It had been exactly 1 week from last Thursday. And this Thursday, Hettar Dargaard would be joining them in the hunt. And if know him as well as I think I do, he'd not only still have his Shield of Invulnerability with him (just like last time), but it would be in the exact position in his backpack, inside the same pouch (just like last time). I had inside information and I didn't even have to tip my hand to them, exposing my Yew Abbey ambush. I knew what time they'd be out hunting. And I knew who and what I was looking for.

Now, if I could only catch them in the act.

(It was time to go spawning.)

The night before, I get into position.

I make camp in front of the spawn I saw them last.

The plan was to wake at 3:15am and if they stuck to their regular schedule, that would mean I had exactly 37 minutes to find them.

(The race was on.)

I wait 5 minutes, but the clock was ticking. If not here, then elsewhere and closeby.

10 minutes pass, then 15.

20 minutes pass, then 25.

(If not the Lost Lands, then maybe... I'm over thinkingit. Despise?)

(No Gilfane, just Lord Dog.)

(With empty pockets.)


If not the Lost Lands and not Despise, then maybe... Oasis?

(I swipe by the Abbey. Still no Gilfane.)

30 minutes pass.

35, 36, and 37.

It was 3:52.

Time's up.


Back out to Yew, and I get there just as soon as they leave.

And just like Hettar promised, he was here again.

(If not this Thursday, then maybe the next.)

...I didn't get what I wanted, but there was always next week.

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