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Episode 165: A New Begining!

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*Taking a page from "The Masters" book*

Hail Friends!

I am a new adventurer to the lands of "Siege Perilous." I have a desire to make myself well known as the Best thief to ever grace these lands with my presence. Upon my comming reds and blues alike will tremble with fear, tighten the clasps on their backpacks, and put as much distance between myself and their very desireable loot as possible.

Anyway, I shall begin.

As i made my way into these new lands, my greed already taking control of my actions, i knew exactly what i needed to do.

Find a local bank and begin my mischief.

My day begins at Luna where i find myself looking into the backpack of a Colorful looking crafter.

He Seems to be inside his own thoughts, paying little attention to the theiving llama standing at his side.

I rush over to him and decide to make my move, Quickly reaching into his backpack for whatever i can scavenge.

I quickly make my move and it seems he has taken notice. I dash from the town and manage to slip into the shadows.

With his item in my own backpack i decide to move on.

I then find myself standing next to a harmless warrior and it appears he is also, lost in his thoughts.

(What a day!)

As quickly as one could say "Guards!" his gloves are now mine.

At the speed of light my mount dashes from the harsh reach of the Axe Wielding town guards.

(2 for 2 So far.. a lucky day indeed)

With the town of luna still recovering from my unstoppable reach. I decicde to try elsewhere. After a few moments.

(And gates later)

I find my next target. A Pink Robe wearing Dishonored Lord! An interesting find.

Further investigating into his pack reveals and he too is a crafter.

"I could use an extra tinkering kit" I think to myself.

And like that, what was just his is now mine.

After a moment to the bank to make sure i dont lose my new found treasures to any other "Colorful" Rogues, i make my way back into the town of luna, where at the gate I witness a Man named "Slim" Pick a gorget off the ground.. Like it belongs to him!

"A Travesty!" I claim and liberate the item from his pack to be returned to its rightful owner..

(In time)

Time passes and i think my adventures over for this day, Until i find myself standing next to a Samurai.. with quite the murdering intent.

Clearly i cannot just stand next to this man and steal from him, he would quickly make a ghost out of me with little effort.

A thought enters my mind and i set my plan into motion. I run out of his sight and do a slight ammount of damage to myself. Upon returning i ask him if i might have a heal potion to heal myself, He agrees and i move in to take the item from him, while also reaching into his pack.

(How very decivious i am!)


After a small converstation, I return to the back to check on my spoils.

I then return to my home for some well deserved rexalation.

A good day!

Until Next time!


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