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Episode 174: First steal !!!!!

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So there i was kicking rocks mad i still could not join the thieves guild
(( its been a week come on just let me in please oh please!!! ))
when low and behold the guild master mead decided to be my friend for once

Yes! oh the glory that will be had must find a mark must find my shoes!!! must.......dye my robe yellow (( sad face ))

With the formality's finished i rush off to find my first mark...or marks?
I am not a liar! or wate maybe i am? no wate im a ferret that's what i am!
(( thus not being able to see me under his back pack * snickers * ))
oh well back to the bag...regs....potions...everything insured....thats what i get for being on legends but look

power of fortifying that's not too bad i don't think and besides i could always use it or sell it to some warrior ok its desided im going for it *yoink*

Success ! i ran as fast as my little ferret legs can take me....
* deep breath *
I did it! my first real steal * breaks out the champagne *
after the moment has past (( and i drink my drink )) i head back
sadly there to antsy from my last visit to stay still for very long
so i bid them a fond good night but not before picking up a few more things

The smoke bombs came off some guys corpus im not really sure who it was at this point but i thank him and the chair and other were laying around as deco for there fight...im sure they did not mind me taking them to give away to some homeless guy for safe keeping

Till next time


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