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Episode 013: "Hey you stole my thing!"

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Episode 2: “Hey You Stole My Thing!”

I decided it was time to try my hand at powerscrolls. So, I made my way to Dungeon Despise.

I made it just in time to see the gate drop.

All was not lost.

A skull of greed on the floor? I reluctantly accept.

A long tour of the lost lands proved to be highly uneventful. So, I decided to check Despise once more.

A heavy battle ensued and the bridge was blocked.

To make anything of this would require a portion of my cunning. No, all of my cunning.
I had to maneuver to the sparkle. My only chance would be in the Star Room.

I position myself carefully.

I wait for the right moment. The scroll bearer will come out of the black gate and run to this gate. I would have to be fast, for these guys are blazers! I wait. My time is near. My time for true glory! Glory worthy of Chad Sexington’s approval! I still wait. What is taking them so long?

And then he comes. His bag probably filled with treasures, I have but to reach in and grab to come out successful. Just before he leaves the Star Room I stick my hand into his bag and blindly grab. It is so light I can barely feel it. His partners enter the room and target me as my cover is blown, so I escape through the gate. I open my hands and peer down at the treasure that is revealed before me.

I can’t steal that? I kick myself! Back to Despise. Something must come of today!

Grumbling about my recent screw up, I quietly walk back down the dungeon. What do I find, but two Trammelites obviously lost and in need of some help. Heavy bags are a common cause of death in Felucca. Allow me to help you.

What have we here?

Quickly and uncontested, the bracelet is mine.

Then I spot something of excellent quality. The Flesh Ripper will be mine!

I work as stealthily as I can. A plethora of shadow jumps later and I am within striking distance. I reach in and grab my prize, running off as fast as I can.

Eviana attempts to chase me down yelling “Hey you stole my thing!”

Yes Eviana. Yes I did.

They head outside feeling sad and defeated, or not even knowing what happened. But my task was incomplete. There was one more uninsured item.

Eviana: “Vas Rel Por”

I must be fast.

I reach in Raelon Hurth’s bag and pluck the sleeves right before he leaves. A quick change to wolf form from force of habit and the gate disappears.

Satisfied, I head to Luna to bank my goods. Now I can rest. I think I’ll head to my old city.

I find myself at the Stag and Lion Inn.

“Ahh good innkeeper. What is the price for a room? That high huh?”

He laughs hard as he charges me full price.

And so I close my eyes and dream of the treasure that could have been.

-Crimson Adder

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