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Section 5: A Thief's Guide to Production Shards
5.4: What happens when you attempt to steal an item? How is Stealing calculated?

3 things can happen when you attempt to steal an item:
  1. You fail to steal the item and you turn grey. Everyone within a 7 tile radius recieves a message informing them: (a) who's stealing, (b) who they're stealing from, and (c) what item they're attempting to steal.
  2. You successfully steal the item and you turn grey. Everyone within a 7 tile radius recieves a message informing them: (a) who's stealing, (b) who they're stealing from, and (c) what item they're attempting to steal.
  3. You successfully steal the item and you remain blue. No one notices the theft.
Keep in mind:
  • The difficulty to steal an item unnoticed and remain blue decreases as your skill in Stealing increases.
  • The difficulty to steal an item unnoticed and remain blue increases as the weight of the item increases.
  • The calculation that determines your success or failure is rolled for every person within a 7 tile radius (including your victim).
This means that for every steal -- depending on your skill in Stealing and the weight of the item -- you have a certain percentage chance of being noticed. That same percentage chance is re-rolled for every additional person in the area.

-Chad Sexington

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