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Episode 0328: Nick Hexum's Shiny Shame Warfork

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I was at "Too Fast For Yew Gate" today and there was quite a few people there but no one was fighting.. it was like an some sorta meeting...AND they were from different factions!!!!

I had never seen this kind of meet-up, but one things for sure: They had an uninvited guest! JOHNNY HOOKER!

At least my pal Axel tried to warn them...

"He'll take all your shit".. how nice of him to announce my presence....

I'll get you later Axel, most likely your smokebombs, since that is the only way you survive out there at the gayte...

Oh! What's this I see in Nick Hexum's pack? He is farming in Fel Shame?

(NOTE TO SELF: start patroling fel-side shame dungeon)

Well, Nick, you might say you don't care about the warfork.. you might say "I'm a swordsman anyway!".. but if you didn't care, why did you whine so much??


-Johnny Hooker

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