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Episode 0077: Race Against Time.....

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Having not had the urge to slaughter the whore with the pretty voice yet I feel I知 finally starting to grow up....

Maybe we'll get together more often, maybe I値l even let her book her own taxi carriage in the morning.....

But I had an hour to kill before she would be done with her current customer, how anyone could build up the strength to go..........

*Does Math*

60 minutes at approx 6 minutes a go....



13 times in a row is a mystery to me.......

What could I do in an hour?


Starts clock....

Fel Gate

I see my first target...

A nice taming ring/Brac combo

I judge the ring to be the better piece.....

I grab it, and I run!


5 minutes gone....

The next.......

I Grab the hilt and...


15 minutes gone....

Just then things went all quiet at fel yew gate, a group of house fighters were battling around waterfalls but all else was dead........

They do pick thy're times!


Gate hopping time...

Whats this?

*pops pack*

A pack full of runic peices.......



But as I reach out to claim my prize.........


Son of a bitch!

I Follow........

And I find his house

25 minutes gone......

And I wait.......

45 minute gones.....

I Get Bored.....

15 minutes left, I needed at least one more steal...

Back to yew gate and I find my target sitting waiting for me.....

I see three uninsured pieces of nice armor in his pack...

They're his, but I知 greedy today and I want them to be mine....

So I hide in plain sight, at only 4 stones ill lift the sleeves, insure them then make my way to the gorget.......

Easy picking......

*Pulls Back Sleeves*


Tony : 2 , Guards : 1

Not a bad score.......

Time to go have my injuries treated and spend some quality time with a fine young lady......

No! it痴 nothing like that! She only charges me half because I知 smalle....... well forget that! I didn稚 say that!

She charges me half because I知 a nice guy!


-Tony Emerald

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