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Episode 133: Why are people so foolish.......

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Why are people so foolish, they carry good uninsured tempting me into a life of crime. I mean yea I enjoy what I do, but I'm not the most popular guy at the moongate if you get my drift. Oh, well I think I'll go visit the elves of heartwood, they might seem like wimpy little pointy eared freaks to you but just remember your narrator is one also so please be kinds and hug an elf today! (preferably me so I can check your pockets)

Now Heartwood in Felucca isn't the most popular spot, for the most part the only one's I ever see here are working their crafts away from the prying eyes of the vocal majority hoping to avoid a plea for the gods to smite them with their +120 Staff of Banishing. Also I've noticed these few all seem to come under a spell once they enter the elven homeland, neither word nor theft usually arouses their attention. Such was the case with Top Notch Inc.

Top Notch Inc. he comes in dismounts his beetle crafts his wares accepts his payment leaves and returns. Always stopping in the same place, always following the same route as he leaves and comes back, and all with an uninsured +10 Ancient Smithy Hammer in his pack.

Now I'm not out to steal the hammer (just yet) I'd wait a while to see if something lighter and less likely to attract the attention of the local guards would come my way. Trip after trip he makes coming an going during which I remove from his possession a recipe for a mystical weapon known as Silvani's Feywood Bow. When I tire of waiting I follow him toward the exit, you see while Heartwood is protected Yew Proper isn't thanks to the invasion of the Shadowlords. I creep out a head of him and wait for him to appear.....

It was over before he knew it, the hammer in my pack and off he goes into the ether to refill his beetle.

So simple so easy, so boring......I need a bit of excitement so I head over to Yew Gate to see what treasures change hands among the PvP crowd and to snatch a few silver coins which have grown to out value gold recently. That is until I see Boyce.

Boyce spends a lot of time at the gate, I see him often, I've snooped him often. Usually his pack is empty but not today, today he carries an uninsured Ankh Pendant.

Today I was going to steal an uninsured Ankh Pendant.

Boyce you Evil Wicked Man tempting me with gaudy valuables, promoting my life of crime! It's people like you they should throw in Jail! Aiding and Encouraging a known criminal that's what your about! Imagine interfering in my attempt to pretend to reform!

Oh well, I guess I should try to pretend to reform later and leave them be for now.

A few hours, a day I'm no longer sure pass and I find my way back to Yew Moongate, and find Asabeth lurking around. She runs past and giggles, runs up close and winks, sees me go to snatch a few silver coins and give a exclamation of surprise that alerts my mark, then squeals as I flee his wrath. Either this is her way of flirting or shes trying to cause me mischief, either way I think I should take a closer look...

Here she is shaking her finger at me with one hand and tempting me with an uninsured Wrath of the Dryad on the other, what to do what to do. I lean in as if I'm going to whisper a secret in her ear, and as she turns her head to the side and blushes I slip my hand in her pack and...

HA! I showed you, you wicked temptress, I got the better of you now depart! Leave me to practice my art in peace, any thing else you have to offer I can get for 5 gold at the local pub, your power over me is vanquished!

Another day ends and I decide to make my way home, planning for the day when I pack my equipment and make the journey to another land, full of new faces and and fetching damsels. Until that day cherish your goods, because you never know where there will be a new thief in town.

With Regards,


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