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Episode 076: Unlucky for some......

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"Master Emerald, you have been charged with murder, how do you plead?"

"I’m a Thief not a beggar! I do not plead for things!! I take them!"


*Slaps Head*

"I Mean I’m Guilty Of Being Innocent Your Godlyness"

*Puts on best smile*

"Dumbass, I find you guilty of murder! You are hereby sentenced to 24 hours house sitting!"

*Flips Gods The Bird*

"26 Hours!!"




"30 Hours!"



"....YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!!" I hear my voice screaming

I startle myself awake...

"What the hell was all that about...." I Ponder Aloud

"What you say baby?" A Seductive silky voice sends shivers down my back....

"Nothing Dear, just a bad dream, something about 32 hours......."

"More like 3 minutes.." I hear her mutter

I Can’t help but chuckle, she was deluded……. it was at least seve.......




*Damn It*

---------------- As I shove her out of the door followed quickly by a few coppers for her troubles I try to drive that voice out of my head, sure she is beautiful but I’m not dumb enough to start confusing myself over a whore, she doesn’t love me.............. she loves the shiny coppers.......

Did I give her too much?........


With my head full of bad dreams and images of Her swimming through it I know I need to get out and working, that would take my mind off it....

I go straight to a place I know I will be able to have some fun and make some quick gold...

Where else but.....

Yew Gate!

Adventure awaits!

I wonder round.....

Aha! I know what’s going on! Everyone knows just how messed up I am today and they are throwing me a surprise party!!!!!

That has to be it!

...Or is it Hide and Seek?

Where would they be?

*Opens Rune Book*

*Hits Random Button*

That'll Do Book, That'll Do........

I spot a clue that I could be right......

And another....

A Trail!

I scout round the Island......

That’s where they'd be waiting to pop out on me.....


And I spot a late Guest!

*Flips Alexadner The Bird*

After seeing Alexander arriving late I figured they would need time to prepare and get him hidden, so i head round and pick up a couple of 105s that were scattered about.....

And head onto the Island prepared to be surprised

*Puts on best surprised look*

"Here I am!!!" I shout hoping to give them sufficient warning...

But all I find is three reds running round like headless chickens!

Have they killed all my guests?

Well we’ll see about that!

I spot Barracoon form the corner of my eye.....

Well they may at least be able to provide a decent present..

15 Minutes pass....

That’s A Funny Looking Squirrel....And Swimming!!!

Then 25....

What are they doing?

Finally Alucard arrives to give them a much needed hand with slaying Barracoon!

I Watch as Barracoons life dwindles and hear that ever bone chilling death scream...


And I make my move....

*Shadow Jump*

*Pops Pack*

I Find Alucard has a 115 focus in his pack......

"You cheap son of a bitch....." I mutter.

I can’t stand cheap Presents...

But since it was yours I’ll take it!

I Run as fast as I can.....

I Weave...

I Dodge...

I begin wondering why in the name of hell they aren’t chasing me....

*Open Pack*


I Head back for a second chance to find I’m all alone......


I pick up as much gold as I can...

But what happened.....

Realising that my head truly just wasn't in it today I head back home feeling a little sorry for myself......

I could really do with a warm body to keep my mind occupied, I hope she wasn't too insulted this morning....

*Damn It*

"I’m not going soft!" I reassure myself.......

-Tony Emerald

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