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Episode 0283: One of My Greatest Nabs

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I'll tell you guys one of my greatest nabs... it was back when Trammel first started... and when you had to continually press the stealth key to keep it activated.

So I was scraping for ways to steal. I had resorted to "hide in a house, have a friend offer something on the item - leave - and wait for the owner to unlock it" then nab it-kind-of-stealing. Not as fun as stealing from blues, but it worked.

So while I was doing this, I would run around player neighborhood's looking for marks (in a disguise kit of course... my name was changed to Lincoln at the time). I would always run way past a house if I saw someone inside... then creep back inside if possible.

So I ran past a castle.. and the owner inside. I ran way past, stealthed up, and doubled back. He was in the far back part of the castle, so when I entered the front door - he didn't see or hear the front door open. I stealthed into the courtyard, right up to the door he was behind. He was making an aquarium out of blue cloth and all sorts of weird things (I was never into house deco).

But I couldn't get past the inner court door without alerting him to my presence.. so I bided my time... and noticed a Wandering Healer had gotten into the inner court of the castle as well. Well lo-and-behold, the Wandering Healer walks into the door that I also needed to get into

So I quickly snuck in behind the healer before the door close, and waited against the back wall... just watching this guy make his aquarium. He locks and unlocks all sorts of cloth pieces... and moves them, etc... all very boring. He would move around various other items as well, but nothing I recognized as being valuable. And mind you, I knew NOTHING of Rares... just liked to grab "magic armor/bracelets/weapons/necklaces" when I used to steal back in pre-Tram.

So I saw items here and there moving.. unlocking.. locking.. but really didn't know what to grab. So I watched a bit. Then I noticed some item called a "skull mug", which seemed like a neat item. It caught my eye just because I liked skull items. So I saw him moving it around a few times... and decided that would be my mark. So waited through a few moves, and very fearfully took a step closer. And eventually stood right next to him as he decorated... I was SO afraid I was going to be revealed (only had about 70 hiding & 70 stealth at the time). But I was lucky to make it!

So it came time... he released the mug, picked it up, put it back down right next to me... and I quickly snatched it up -- Kal Ort Por'ed by butt out of there in a flash to a out-of-the-way bank (Minoc I think). Banked it, and immediately used the disguise kit again to change my name from Lincoln to something else. I changed my garb, and got out of dodge for a few hours.

So In the meantime... I looked up the value on the item... and my jaw dropped to the floor when I realized it was worth at least 4 Million! At that time, I barely had any money (maybe a whopping 50k to my name... never made much money stealing, but had lots of fun) -- so needless to say, this was a HUGE BOOST for me! About 3-4 hours later, I decided to try and hock it at the Brit bank.

Changed my diguise again.. and garb... and starting selling. Had lots of interesting offers. Eventually 30 mins later... some guy runs up and without question says he'll take it for 4 million flat, no questions asked. He looks at it in the trade window, and whips me a check for 4 million without even blinking. Score!

And then... the best part.... I found out, that the guy who bought it - was the guy I stole it from! He said that he had it "stolen" from him earlier in the day, and suspected me... but my name was different, so I didn't let on

Either way... I came out 4 Million richer that day... and wow was I happy! Got to buy my first house

And since then, I've never made a steal so good as that

(sorry for the long-winded story... it's my favorite one to tell)


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