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Episode 160: Just another day at Skara Brae.

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Hail friends,

With my latest outings becoming increasingly more profitable, there's nothing that reminds me of my own mortality more than the reality that my actions are still bound to slave away, decidely by this world, to beg for my daily for RoT gains. I find myself in Skara Brae of all places -- quickly becoming my favorite town in this new land -- when I'm suddenly and rudely interrupted by tama and her hypnotically bright, neon beetle.

I decide to introduce myself and question her if the decision to not wear pants today was diliberate, a mistake, or if she was simply intentionally turning me on and teasing me from a distance. If that were the case, I would take it upon myself to inform her of the error of her ways, tell her that she's not alone, suggest to her places she can reach professional help for people with similar personal problems...

...I would then forget what we were talking about, tell her we should get to know each other a little better, ask her if she wanted to get a room, have my feelings crushed as she rejected me while citing my massive amounts of ugly for crushing said feelings, and would repeatedly yell "Hooker!" as she walked away and out of my life forever.


I snap out of it and check if she was just looking for a quiet corner, behind the cover of a house, to take a moment to day dream.

She springs to life and dashes north, just beyond the house.

(She must have sensed my ugly approaching.)

She stops, dismounts, and begins mining a tree (?).

She stops just long enough for me to snoop her pack -- just long enough to snoop her pack within a pack -- just long enough for me to spot an Ecru Citrine and for her to dash away once more!

She stops again and this time I go straight for the rare gem.


I look again and find nothing more. She must have noticed something was up because two moments later she hops on her beetle and goes straight back to the bank.

I follow closeby and find someone else to entertain me -- someone else to rudely postpone my training.

Direwolf of Gilfane.

And as soon as she arrived...



(Not quite.)

(I see you.)

*cracks knuckles*

*detects hidden*



Four more attempts to detect Direwolf with my pitiful 45.0 points of Detecting Hidden -- four more failures!

(I'll have to work on this later.)




Why are all the tamers I come across masters of Hiding & Stealth...?

(This will require further investigation.)


I bank my gem and try and try and try again.


*spots something of value*

*crushes Direwolf's dreams*

*spits on the rest of her junk*

*spots another rude person*

*thanks the third rude person for running away quickly...*

*...and finally finishes what he started*

Night eventually comes, I finish my gains for the day, and spot a book that's been sitting next to me this entire time.

"Forgotten Villains O UO" it's titled.

I flip through the pages and find something odd on Page 4:


This is equally strange and distrubing.

::shifty eyes::

'Til next time!

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